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Technology - 9

Stream 1
Thursday, May 4, 2017
3:40 PM - 4:00 PM
Osprey Room


Future recycling depot facilities - technology, connectivity, people. John Phillips OAM, Container Deposit Solutions Australia


This presentation looks at how future collection points will provide a high quality customer experience, integrating technology and other process design improvements to deliver accurate sorting and counting of containers and will also have the ability to receive a broad range of non CDS recyclable materials.


Agenda Item Image
Mr John Phillips

Future recycling depot facilities - technology, connectivity, people

3:40 PM - 4:00 PM



John was appointed Executive Director of iconic South Australian NGO Keep South Australia Beautiful (KESAB) environmental solutions in 1988. KESAB delivers environmental sustainability education and resources working with all levels of government, industry and community building capacity via a broad scope of projects. John has over 25 years of experience engaging community and facilitating behavioural change with specific focus in environmental sustainability, litter reduction, recycling and resource recovery, graffiti crime prevention, catchment water management, remote community engagement and project management.


Wesley Knight
Waste Operations & Projects
Tweed Shire Council
