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Education - 1

Stream 1
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
1:20 PM - 1:40 PM
Osprey Room


Using the brain - A smart way to improve recycling. Brad Gray, Planet Ark


Everyone has worked in a place where the office kitchen is left in a mess. And everyone has seen angry signs complaining about it. But why aren’t office kitchens exemplars of cleanliness, why don’t those signs improve behaviour? By focusing on the mess they are reinforcing the poor behaviour and strengthening the social norm that ‘everyone leaves the kitchen in a mess, so I may as well do the same’. By understanding brain science (like social norms) we are better able to tailor messages that motivate action, that are easily recognised and that reinforce positive behaviour.


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Mr Brad Gray
Team Leader, Resource Recovery
City of Canterbury Bankstown

Using the brain - A smart way to improve recycling

1:20 PM - 1:40 PM



Brad worked as a history and geography teacher before moving into the health education sector for 14 years. With a strong passion for human environments, Brad started with Planet Ark in 2007 as Recycling Programs Manager before taking up the role of Head of Campaigns in 2010 where he oversees programs like National Tree Day and National Recycling Week, ‘Cartridges 4 Planet Ark’ and the on-line and phones services RecyclingNearYou and BusinessRecycling. Brad works with every team in the organisation to create positive and action-based programs designed to engage Australians with the environment. He has an extensive collection of images of recycling bins from around the world.


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Tim Silverwood
Co-Founder & CEO
Take 3
