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Circular Economy - 4

Stream 2
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
2:20 PM - 2:40 PM
Currawong Room


Is it worth regulating the circular economy? Mike Ritchie, MRA Consulting Group


The idea of waste as a resource has been around for decades. However it is struggling to get onto the mainstream agenda. Nonetheless, we are starting to hear more and more about the circular economy, an approach that keeps recourses away from waste and brings them back into the productive economy. It rejects the status quo "take-make-dispose" linear economy in favour of cycling biological and technical materials and influencing product design, logistics and the entire value chain. Mike Ritchie explores the higher-level market failure of the current system and discusses the necessity of the broader field of vision that governments and strategic actors have.


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Mr Mike Ritchie
Managing Director
MRA Consulting Group

Is it worth regulating the circular economy?

2:20 PM - 2:40 PM



Mike Ritchie is the Director of MRA Consulting group and has 25 years experience in environmental policy in waste, resource recovery and carbon. Prior to MRA, he was National General Manager - Business Development and Marketing with SITA, General Manager of Services at WS NSW and State Manager of VISY. He has worked in local government as senior advisor to the Mayor of Brisbane and as a Director of Liverpool City Council. Mike was also National Vice President of WMAA, a sessional Commissioner of the NSW Land and Environment Court and a member of the Victorian Ministerial Advisory Council on waste governance.


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Albert Shamess
Director – Waste Management and Resource Recovery
City of Vancouver
