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Waste Services & Tendering - 3

Stream 2
Thursday, May 4, 2017
12:10 PM - 12:30 PM
Currawong Room


What can I expect from a collaborative procurement process. Scott Geer, Solo Resource Recovery


As our waste industry attempts to assess the alternatives to landfills in a high waste levy environment and whether they are worth pursuing, Councils have seen potential opportunities in tendering collaboratively to attempt to reduce prices through economies of scale and secure enough throughput for larger scale waste facilities for garbage, recycling and organics. However, collaborative procurement is not a one size fits all model and many Councils are getting poorer results than they expected or otherwise would have if they were tendering individually. A high amount of variables are making the decision to firstly tender collaboratively, and then proceeding through the process very complex and at high risk of making an expensive mistake, as has been experienced by many parties to date. This presentation provides detail from comprehensive research into previous collaborative tenders of various types, including their approval through the ACCC, and conveys that information in guidelines for Councils that will help with their consideration of the collaborative procurement process.


Agenda Item Image
Mr Scott Geer
Managing Director
The Diverter

What can I expect from a collaborative procurement process

12:10 PM - 12:30 PM



Scott Geer is the Contracts and Communications Manager with Solo Resource Recovery. He has over 15 years experience in waste management including over 200 tenders across the country. His work includes tenders and contracts management for all aspects of waste including collection, facilities management, recyclables and organics processing, landfill disposal, bulk haul transport, liquid waste and a range of industrial services projects. He has conducted additional work in the assessment of collaborative tenders and their ability to deliver Best Value for their Council participants.